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Give a little. Change a lot.

  • If that the Society must be a world with access to good education what about clean water, air and land, with a Conserved habitations
  • Creating awareness training society educating in areas climate change, cleam and conserved environnment
  • Education and healthy environment empowerment
  • The Society must work together to have educated, skilled, and knowledgeable in clean air, water andLand environment
Join With Us
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-Providing enlightment programes in Schools, media and Community Centers

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Traning and educating the Society on good environmental issues, and prevention of environment hazard eg climate clonge Conservations and biodiversity.

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Pursuing the environmental and fundermental rights of the immigrants

Recent Causes

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!

First charity activity of this summer.

In this summer, the first our charity is help homeless people around the city. They need new clothes, a little money to buy food.

Goal: $45000

Raised: $5000

Big charity: build school for poor children.

In order to change perception and give education for people, we will build a school at there. This is a big charity activity.

Goal: $60000

Raised: $55000

Building clean-water system for rural poor.

Improve water and wastewater infrastructure and operations in rural communities. We go a long way toward achieving long-term sustainability.

Goal: $45000

Raised: $8000

Featured Campaigns

Featured project to built a School.

This is a project that is aimed at restructuring, renovating. and building schools for underprivileged children in rural communities across the nation.


Goal: $450000

Raised: $55000

Donate Now

Meet Out Team

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!


Grace N. Ngene Esq. Chairperson.


Mr Azubuike Ani Member


Surv Julius C. Ani Member


Anthonia Ngozi Benjamin Secretary

Upcoming Events

Whether you're a local, new in town or just cruising through we've got loads of great tips and events

What People Say

some testimonial from people who are satified with our services

Recent Stories

here are some recent events

blog post
January 01.2021

The History of Donation Told

From the foundation of the NHS in 1948, we take a look back at the history of donation, transfusion and transplantation through the decades.

blog post
June 08.2022

Help the Comunity

Donate to those in need. If you're able, consider donating money or items to local charities. Try taking unused food to a food bank, giving clothes you never.

blog post
March 01.2024

Charity Ever Rule the World?

The concept of charity ruling the world is more about the idea of global compassion and cooperation than actual governance.


The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor

Wisehearthabitation Location

  • +2348077033773